Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ugh...I just thought summer was going to hang on a few more days.  My luck ran out;(  I shant complain though.  July here was mild, wonderful and a true luxury for Iowans.  Ho hum.  I don't mind putting on an extra layer...as long as it's soft and fluffy!  My poor children are running around w/ hardly enough to wear. I packed away all the winter clothes for the move (house to house) and didn't think it would turn this cold this fast.  Plus, we were to be in the house last week, but we had a little leak that caused major problems in the basement.  Oh well...who wants to get into a new place anyway?  (cough)...me!!!  I suppose spending days there putting things away, cleaning up construction dust and what not isn't too bad.  I can imagine I live there, right?!  It isn't until the bed, coffee pot, jewelry station and my computer are there that I will be home.  It doesn't take much to make me happy, really! 

So I received a convo (an Etsy.com conversation...or better yet, an internal e-mail) from another Etsian.  One of my designs (http://www.eriadesigns.etsy.com/) had made it to the front page of Etsy!  That is a BIG deal!  Etsy.com is a worldwide web site (more truthfully a virtual hub for individual web sites) hosting thousands and thousands of handmade/vintage/supply web sites.  Anyway, My ANA necklace was on the front page and sold almost immediately.  I thought I'd had have a huge influx of business then, but I'll have to see on my analytics page if I truly did get a bump in visits. 

Jewelry designing has been my saving grace these days.  Since the shop is closed, the remodeling for the shop not even begun and my merchandise in park, I have needed a release.  http://www.eriadesigns.etsy.com/ has been that.  Come in for a visit!  I think you'll like what you find;)


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